
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Book Buddies

Today we had our last meeting with our Book Buddies in Mrs. Quiggly's classroom. The class had a great time! We read our books to them and then they started to teach the kids about math facts, reading clocks, etc. It was so fun to see the exchange in learning!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Book Buddies

We have gone the entire year without having Book Buddies. I was a little sad because I thought that all of the classes already had them.

The kids did so great reading with each other. We talked about having some questions/topics to talk about to introduce themselves. My class had 2-3 books they could read. The 2nd graders did a wonderful job. It was so awesome to see this learning passing from one to another. Can't wait to do it again in a couple weeks. I will definitely be doing this from the beginning of school starting next year!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Art Show Participants

This year our class had 3 students who had art on display at the MISD Art Show. So proud of all of my students for their hard work!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Wolfie came to visit!!!

The school mascot, Wolfie, made his first appearance at our GMS Assembly. He then made his way around the Kindergarten pod to get group photos.

M&M Graphing

For our graphing unit I had students sort and build their own graph using M&Ms. They and a great time! Here are some of their graphs.

My class really enjoyed this activity. Here are their wonderful smiles during the graphing.