
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Field Day!!!

The most favorite day of the year...FIELD DAY!!! My amazing class had a fantastic time! Thanks to all of the students, staff, and parent volunteers who helped plan and coordinate this fun day. My group of kids had a blast and I know they will remember it forever!

Getting ready for their first game.

Second station: Gaga Ball.

The class was excited to participate in the 3-legged race.


It was a hot morning and a handful of kids went for a water break. The rest of them played with a frisbee. Such fun!

Next up was the milk jug toss. This was a great activity for eye-hand coordination.

The obstacle course was fun, but the kids were HOT!

Anyone up for some Limbo?

The kids thought that the Plunger Pass was hilarious. They did a great job making this fun and challenging...we were ready for some popsicles and water activities!!!

One of the class favorites was the sponge activity. Kids sat and got completely soaked! They had a blast!!! This was such a wet and fast-paced event I could only get a few shots.

Popsicle time! Such a fun and quick treat!

Last stop...SLIP-N-SLIDE! The class had a blast with this activity! It was great to watch them too!

After we finish all of the stations, we headed back inside for our lunch and to change. 

 At the end of the day, we had about 15 minutes left. I decided to pull out the wooden blocks. I love to see the teamwork, hear the student conversations, and view the amazing things they build. I enjoy these creative activities that allow students to work at their own pace. I also like how many kids choose to work together. They are such  sweet group!!!