
Monday, June 2, 2014

Alpha Wolf of the Year!

Every year one student from each classroom is chosen as Alpha Wolf of the Year. It is a student who has done an outstanding job academically in addition to being a leader within the classroom.

I asked my class to vote for who they thought the Alpha Wolf should be. No surprise that Pasco was voted by his peers!

A little about this amazing boy:
He is kind, helpful, caring, funny, witty, gentle, helpful, smart, happy, and has a passion for learning. He tells the best stories and makes me laugh every single day! The students in our class look to him for help and as a role model. I am able to give him extra "jobs" to help the classroom run smoother. He is a problem solver and a wonderful thinker!

Pasco is an amazing boy and I am so glad that I and the opportunity to have him in my Kindergarten class. I often think about how lucky I am to have the group of kids that I do. They were all assigned to a different classroom. They had different desks, cubbies, friends, etc. The parents took a chance with having their child move out of their "familiar" and start Kindergarten all over again. I am so thankful that the parents supported me throughout this year. It has made my job so much easier and allowed me to have more fun with my class!

Congrats, Pasco! I am so proud of you!!!

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