
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Story Problems: Part-Part-Whole

In Math we are practicing solving story problems using a Part-Part-Whole mat. The students were given story problems and then used the unifix cubes to show their thinking as they found the correct answer. We practiced this in whole group and then they practiced independently. I then told the kids they were going to create their own story problems for the kids at their tables. Each student took turns being "the teacher". They are such a smart group of kids and did great as mini-teachers!

PArt-Part-Whole: Students find "part" of the problem and build that number with unifix cubes. Then they find the other "part" to the problem. They figure out if they are going to add or subtract. (Today we focused on adding) Then they slide all of the cubes to the "whole" area and count how many in all.

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