
Friday, January 31, 2014

Science: Taste Test of Fruits & Vegetables

This week we focused our learning on ways to stay healthy. A big component of that is eating healthy foods. The class was able to sample several fruits and vegetables. We then created a class graph to show which fruit & vegetable were our favorite.

We sampled: blueberries, kiwi, red bell peppers, carrots, and cucumber.

This first sample was blueberries. I took a picture of each table group as they gave me a thumbs up or thumbs down on if they liked blueberries. I did this with each food item.

Here is our class graph. Blueberries was a clear winner for our favorite fruit. Vegetables was a close one. Carrots were favorite by 6 students, the red bell peppers were favored by 5 students and the cucumbers were a favorite of 4 students.

Earlier in the morning we read the book: The Little Red Hen. Afterwards we made bread. The smell from the Kindergarten wing was amazingly delicious! We were able to also sample the home-made bread and some store bought wheat bread. Again we did a taste test to see which was our favorite.

 These 7 students preferred the store-bought bread.

And these 8 students enjoyed the home-made bread we made in class better.

It was another close race.

This was such a fun (and delicious) activity. The students were able to taste good, healthy foods and the conversations we had were great!

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