
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Reading/Writing: Creature Feature

Last week we read a different non-fiction book about animals each day during whole group. We talked about facts vs. opinions and took notes on a graphic organizer. Then they created a mini flip book about an animal during writing. We focused on how to find certain facts about an animal and how to compile the information in an organized way.

This week I found 5 new non-fiction animal books that I thought the class would enjoy learning more about. Students chose which animal they wanted to research and created their own groups. Each day this week the students are reading their "Animal Book" and finding the facts in their group. They are creating a Creature Feature Animal Report.

We have one group who is learning about Koalas.

 Another group is learning about Polar Bears.

This group chose to learn about Gorillas.

This is the Water Bug group.

And the last group is learning about Dogs.

It is great to see them all working together as a team to find the factual information and then record it on their report. I can't wait to see the final piece.

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