
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Science: Parts of a Plant

 So we watched a video about the parts of a plant and then we discussed what we learned and labeled the parts on chart paper. Afterwards, each table group had a big piece of butcher paper with a small flower sitting in the center. They were told they were going to explore the flower to see the parts.

It was interesting to see them all gently hold the flower to examine it. I then gathered their attention and told them they were going to remove the flower from the container and pull the dirt off to get a good look at the roots, stem, leaves, and flower. Their expressions were great. They were wondering if it was an April Fool's joke, but I told them it was real. I loved that they were able to get their hands dirty (pun intended) and truly explore the parts of a flower.

I had the class write directly on the white paper about the parts they saw.

One group had a small bug inside it's container. They tried to label the bug, but it kept drawing away. This is a cute picture of them attempting to draw a circle around the bug on the move.

Here is a quick picture of the plants after 5 days of growth. The kids will be excited to see what the fun activity will be tomorrow!


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