
Friday, February 21, 2014

Reading/Writing: Fairy Tale Activities

We spent a few weeks on Fairy tales and the kids are still interested in them. I had greeted some menu choices for activities students could choose to do. The options were:
1. Create some fairy tale stick puppets and act out a scene.
2. Use play dough to create fairy tale characters.
3. Use a Venn diagram to compare two fairy tale characters.
4. Write a new fairy tale. Include at least 3 characters.
5. Create a tic-tac-toe game with fairy tale characters.
6. Record your voice on the iPad as you retell a fairy tale story.
7. Put a list of fairy tale characters in alphabetical order.
8. Make a poster of good and evil fairy tale characters.
9. Create an ABC flip book of characters.

Here are a few that we worked on this week:

Writing our own fairy tale.

Trying to alphabetize fairy tale characters.

This was a different activity that a few students worked on. Walking around the classroom and writing down words they could find.

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