
Saturday, February 15, 2014

Social Studies: Voting

Our objective in Social Studies was to teach students about voting. They learned that there are choices and that the one that had the most votes, is the one that wins. We used our filled marble jar reward to create a list of choices we could be rewarded with.

I asked students to brainstorm a list of fun things they would like to do. We discussed the pros and cons to each choice and then I gave each student a piece of paper to use as their ballot. They wrote down choice 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. And then they turned it into the ballot box. I read each vote and we created a tally mark. When the votes were all read, we were able to see the winner...Build with blocks. They had so much fun the other day building with blocks that it was a choice that the majority chose.

 Here are some pictures that I took of the class building with blocks...their choice! :)

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